As many of you know, the city of Flint is experiencing a major crisis regarding its city water supply. In short, water reaching peoples' homes is tainted with extremely high levels of lead. We're also starting to see an abnormal number of deaths from Legionnaire's Disease, which may be linked to the same underlying issues as the lead contamination. A great deal of information is available online and on television, but click here for one example story.
My family and I live outside Flint proper, and are lucky to be on a different water system. But thousands of people including those with children have to choose between using expensive bottled water for everything (drinking, cooking, bathing, and cleaning) or risking lead contamination. Aid is coming in, but the city will be feeling these effects for years. In the short-term, more water and monetary donations are needed to help the disadvantaged population of Flint.
To that end, I am now organizing a charity Warmachine & Hordes tournament on February 13th. It will be structured like the very successful Foodmachine series of events. I have been running Foodmachine events for several years now here in Flint (3rd in the world in overall donations our first year out and comparable outcomes each subsequent year). I know this too can be successful with the support of the gaming community.
If you can attend in person, we will be hosting a 35pt Steamroller with modified Foodmachine 2015 rules. (See post below for these). A second list is optional but must be played at least once if taken.
The tournament is located at:
Gamers Sanctuary
G4290 Miller Road, Flint Township, Michigan, 48507.
Phone: (810) 720-8280
(Note: Gamers Sanctuary is not on the affected water system but immediately jumped on board to help up with this event. Thanks GS!)
Registration will cost $10. (All proceeds go to the FBEM.) In addition, a variety of bonuses, cheats, and re-rolls can be purchased through donations of cash or non-perishable food items. Because the FBEM has much higher purchasing power than we consumers do, cash donations are preferred. As such, cash donations will earn significantly more tickets to purchase your bonuses. We will have prizes for 1st through 3rd place as well as prizes to be raffled off The more you cheat, the more raffle entries you get!
Full rules for the event can be found at the PP forum post or at our Facebook event page.
Food will be provided free of charge to all attendees!
Can't make it but still want to help? Consider donating online!
You can donate directly to the Flint Response Fund coordinated by the Food Bank of Eastern Michigan. Forward a copy of the emailed receipt to me at and you'll be entered into a raffle to win a KR Multicase Card Case!
Spread the word to all your WMH buddies (or you know, everyone

We have lots of prizes to offer so far:
First up, thanks to Gamers Sanctuary for providing the venue.Privateer Press is putting together a sweet package including a new in box No Quarter Exclusive Eiryss!

Our first confirmed sponsor is a pair of t-shirts from Chain-Attack: Warmachine and Hordes Battle Reports, courtesy Jay Larsen. They've been a donor for all our charity events. Take a listen and subscribe to the podcast!
Thanks to local painters Cliff Hughes and Travis Adle who are offering their award winning painting to two winners!
Our next sponsor is Tectonic Craft Studios! Please check out all their sweet terrain, game markers, etc. I have a set of their zone markers. Great stuff from a cool company. TCS is providing some major discounts to their great products!
Multiple awesome art prints are here from Florian Stitz Illustration! Florian is a great artist and has done freelance work for Privateer Press and others.
Very excited to announce Wyrmwood Gaming as another awesome donor for this event! We have more to announce very soon! Wyrmwood is proud to help support the community of Flint with a donation of a Dice Tray System ($200 value), engraved with the winners faction of choice.
Local game store BC Comix donated $100 in WMH product and local game store Gamers Gauntlet provided a nice box of goodies:

Next up is Secret Weapon Miniatures courtesy of Mr. Justin McCoy! He's visited GS to offer painting classes, and was very happy to help with the event. He's offered up a full set of their amazing washes! Thanks so much Justin!
I have two more great sponsors to announce tomorrow, so stay tuned for an update.
good luck with your event, sounds like a really important cause. Man, makes me glad I live in the UK though, nothing like this could ever happen, and if it did the Govt would supply everyone with free bottled water and put tankers on every street corner.