Wednesday, December 28, 2016

2016 Year in Review: Dark Age

Continuing our Year in Review, I wanted to offer up a new game to us, but one that has been around quite a while. Dark Age is a 32mm true-skirmish (only 5-10 models needed) that is based on the art of Gerald Brom.

Friday, December 23, 2016

2016 Year in Review: Star Wars Destiny

In case you missed it, I've covered Games Workshop and video games so far in our review - today is the newest newcomer to our list, Star Wars Destiny. I've talked a bit about Destiny before - so today I just wanted to talk about the deck I'm working on. I'm a bit of a card game newbie so please forgive if I am making some rookie mistakes here.

Monday, December 19, 2016

2016 Year in Review: Games Workshop

My dissatisfaction (and indeed, many gamers') with Games Workshop over the last few years has been pretty well voiced. They raised prices all the time, killed the Old World, and continued to offer players a sub-standard product with their rules. With so many new options on the market, it seemed hard to be a fan.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

2016 Wargaming Year in Review

By all accounts, 2016 has been a pretty awful year. So many people are ready for a new year - and hopefully 2017 will be better. In regards to wargaming, though, 2016 was pretty awesome.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Delve into the Isorian Senatex

We continue to have a blast with our Antares Initiative in the club. I've been working on the painting for my Isorians and wanted to share.

The Antares Initiative: The Ghar

Flat out, I am in love with this game. As a 20 year mini games veteran and I haven not been this enthusiastic about a miniatures game in a long time.